Buy & Sell Advertisement

All classified ads are displayed on the Buy & Sell Board webpage as well as placed on a dedicated Buy & Sell page in the publication. Categories include: NEW Machinery/Equipment, USED Machinery/Equipment, OTHER Products/Services. If more than one product/service is to be advertised, separate ads will need to be created and advertised accordingly. (max 3 weeks).

To place classified ads complete the form, upload a .pdf or .jpg of your completed ad, finalise the payment online and your classified is ready to be processed. If you wish T&FN to create the ad, check the appropriate box on the form and the artwork will be created for approval prior to publication. One proof will be sent out by email. Failure to approve by return email will deem the artwork approved for publication. Book by 5.00pm Tuesday prior to publication.



Choose your preferred country and the category for your ad. Please insert the title as well as advertisement description – this field is limited to 80 characters. Select ad duration, you have a choice of 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks advertisement periods. Please upload your logo and decide whether or not we will be preparing your ad. This is additional service for extra $50 per ad. Insert your contact details and hit ADD TO CART. Complete your payment.

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